What first come in mind!

that's called RELIGION, and ISLAM IS HAQ!!


way to longevity

No Words

... when you can't even find a good words. and then we shut!

Have a Happiness

... to be created!


to create a way better world. SUBHANALLAH.

Friday, 18 November 2011

my random afterthought

afterthought --> renungan. i search over a internet dict. and copy-paste it. #curcol

a video i watch just a few hours before, led me to my memories of dad.
it's a touching story of an old father, son and a sparrow. hope u like it.

tapi kalo g salah, saya juga pernah dengar ttg cerita kayak gini tapi antara seorang ibu dan anaknya yang sudah dewasa. different story, same plot, same message.
ever think about it?
me and my father not really close after all, to know that he love me that much. i cant type it 'loved' coz i know and i feel it that much even today.
i ever made a song once for him, a list of songs cuma buat mengingat dia.
i remember how i just being so bad that made him that angry, the way he angry, the way he was angry.

sometimes i just think about my extraordinary life. being a fatherless child, not like others.
waking up calling for your daddy and share some interest just like in the movies. how close the father and the son. hahaha
Nah, those things are not happening in my life.
kadang merasa kesal, dan meratap, why mee??
tapi my sister ever told me what my mother told her once 'gimana kalo papah kemaren selama, mungkin aja papah akan lebh menderita penyakitnya'
yeah, she's the one that should be THAT sad when daddy passed away. karena dia yang udah bertahun tahun tinggal bareng. but she told me to be strong supaya kita gak meratap terlalu lama.

gak baik juga kan. but this time i just want to be this melancholy because still i wanna hug him that hard that i know i could never do that again. all of this regret just need to be converted into the pray that i should do in the end of my prayers.

and God, if its something that should be done for my entire life. then i will do it with all of my heart. just don't let him too far from You. 
