What first come in mind!

that's called RELIGION, and ISLAM IS HAQ!!


way to longevity

No Words

... when you can't even find a good words. and then we shut!

Have a Happiness

... to be created!


to create a way better world. SUBHANALLAH.

Saturday, 24 November 2012


hingar bingar hiruk pikuk hutang untuk share ilmu jadi bermunculan dikepala saya
yan seharusnya banyak yang dapat diabadikan atau ditumpahkan sebagai pelajaran agak tersumbat walaupun koneksi untuk internet sebenarnya gak erhambat
a little intrrospection back to the time where you could see. a whole dream to be shared to may corrupt if ones did not try to share it wisely

well time is pass and would never return right? better to face a new world of tomorrow and prepare everything rather than sit and do nothing.

ada memang hal hal yang seharusnya saya rangkum dan tulis di blog ini.
pertama kehidupan pembelajarannya 
kedua masalah yang berhubungan dengan penyakit dan kesehatan.

honestly, there is, not only a few but quite a lot that i myself sometimes wondered if this is the thing that i will face for the rest of your life. for some point, it makes me down, for some incident, it makes me sick, for some time, it stresses me out. but still i need to lift up my head and face it. it may be one of a phase that growing me up, maturing me up. and at last all the sudden realization will makes me stronger than ever. although its not always.

but WHAT AM I DOING IN THIS SUCH RELIGIOUS PLACE if i will be that weak as i before? 

nevertheless, im a human after all. still, i need to learn a lot of things to capture the right moment to share. 

i hope this post not gonna last too long. as soon as i get back i hope i could write all the things down to my blog
