so, this title was what one of my friend's say about the topic i choose. tentang masalah APBD APBN
yep, lebih kayak anak ekonomi karena membicarakan masalah anggaran dana,...
ANEH?? banget!
saya juga bingung kenapa ngambil topic ini.
but once again, minor thesis is what FINER
hahah, but it's OK, since im interested in this topic
i thought i just made my self involved in POLITICS, because it is about economics and power
ARGH, whatever
lets do this
so, this title was what one of my friend's say about the topic i choose. tentang masalah APBD APBN
yep, lebih kayak anak ekonomi karena membicarakan masalah anggaran dana,...
ANEH?? banget!
saya juga bingung kenapa ngambil topic ini.
but once again, minor thesis is what FINER
F for Feasible
I for Interest
N for Novelnd the other two i just forgot
hahah, but it's OK, since im interested in this topic
i thought i just made my self involved in POLITICS, because it is about economics and power
ARGH, whatever
lets do this
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