Saturday, 31 March 2012

#1 report. le introduction!

akhirnya bisa ngepost lagi setelah hampir sebulan gak ngepost.
so, based on the latest post, saya pergi ke solo, (terus dikit dan sukoharjo tepatnya). ponpes yang tempatnya gak begitu besar, gak begitu kecil.

tempatnya adem, dari sini bisa  ngeliat gunung merapi.dan enaknya lagi banyak angin sehingga bisa bikin flatus lancar *ups.
3 weeks, it has passed. so many story i just wanna tell, actually so many story that need to be told, hhaha

its not like being here like forever. banyak yang nanya
'ami, ami. kenapa gak nerusin kuliah? kenapa tau pondok sini? kenapa ini? kenapa itu?'
dan semua jawabannya sama. haha
*ami tu panggilan buat paman, maklum udah tua disini mah -__-

banyak anak kecil, dari SD sampe SMA.

for me IT IS FUN. haha I've just never this closed to people. u know, kinda diagnosing children, try to convince them what do's and don'ts. and the BIG point IS I've just never this alone to handle so many things that i like. simple, i like it and i do it.

every single things that we do based on what we want it t be done, i mean you really do, not because u should do. besides being stranger in a strange place IS totally awesome and ...


*and i mean it..

and there's a simple thing that i just learned from the reality
when u really don't want to face the world briefly, the whole world would just turn its face from you harshly !!
hmm, mungkin agak berlebihan kata kasar-nya itu. but maybe for me it is fact.  there's 2 point that i wanna share. in a young-doctor-wannabe, i mean me as a so-called-doctor, and me as me. just that simple.

but after all, what i've learned is that to face the reality and to be come stronger, all you have to do is just FACE your fear and LIVE it in your blood. take it as a dose to make you out from your comfort zone and be a better man.



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